Fall 2012

Name Project Title E-mail
Farah Ansari Analyzing Access to Gentrification FANSARI2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Drew Awsumb Transit Service Areas: Examining Transit Deserts & “L Train” Service in Chicago AWSUMB2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Brett Barkley Spatial Analysis of Urban Growth Boundaries BBARKLE2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Yu-Tien Cheng What Affects The Extent of Maize Postharvest Loss? An Examination of Social and Geographic Factors YCHENG16(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Ellen Cholewa An analysis on food desert and race in Chicago, IL CHOLEWA3(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Zev Cossin Historical (Dis)Continuity in Historic Trujillo, Peru COSSIN2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Yue Dong An analysis of Land Use Conversion in Zhangjiakou, Hebei, China YUEDONG3(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Linlin Fan School Allocation Decision in Pittsburgh, PA LFAN3(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Anamaria Gaudencio Martins A proposal for the localities of 5 new grain-storage facilities in Sinop County, Mato Grosso, Brazil GAUDENC1(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Jessica Harrison Potential Locations for Water Infrastructure Development in Belize JHARRI32(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Jai Holt To Beeware or Not to Beeware of Beehive Location: Does Proximity to Pollution Sources Effect Bee Mortality? JAIHOLT2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Daudet Ilunga Tshiswaka Assessing the Accessibility of Hospital in the Chicago Area ILUNGAT1(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Zachary Klaas Examining the spatial distribution of wealth and poverty and its relationship to the current trend of urbanization ZKLAAS2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Andrew Kopp Hinsdale Central High School Commute Accessibility KOPP3(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Binish Lalani Relationship between Food Deserts and Poverty: a case study on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania BLALANI2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Leandro Lima Rasmussen AHP and GIS as Site Selection Tools for Housing Projects LIMARAS2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Sean Madison A spatial analysis of crimes in Chicago MADISON5(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Arielle Malinowski Chicagoland Transit Accessibility MALINOW7(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Charles McCarthy An analysis on demography in proposed high-speed rail network in the Midwest MCCARTH2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Prateek Mittal Evaluation of Access to Public Services in Chicago Metropolitan Area PRMITTA2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Junghye Moon The employment pattern of healthcare sector in Chicago MSA MOON21(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Marco Murillo Locating a New Youth Center in Chicago, IL MURILLO7(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Aaron Ortiz Food deserts in Chicago, IL ORTIZ18(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Jessica Pasciak Honeybee Food for Thought: An investigation into the crops honeybees get their nutrition from PASCIAK2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Shriya Rangarajan Mapping Crime and Response in the City of Detroit RANGRJN2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Eric Saindon Proposition 11: A Study of Gerrymandering in California SAINDON1(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Jennifer Speaker A Proposal for the Implementation of Bus Routes in Arlington, Texas SPEAKER1(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Camila Stark Does Toxic Release Inventory Helps Air Pollution? CTSTARK2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Bradley Stubbs Logistics of the Ethanol Industry STUBBS1(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Laura Vingerhoeds Exploration of Geospatial Factors Affecting Hazardous Materials Conditional Probabilities of Release VINGERH1(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Huijun Wang Analyzing Spatial Relationship Between Fire Calls and Fire Stations In Columbus County, NC. HWANG167(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Matthew Yoder Locating Rooftop Gardens in Chicago’s West Side MJYODER2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Richael Young Examining Policy Alternatives for Management of Groundwater Resources: A Case Study in Nebraska YOUNG40(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Peiyong Yu Analysis on Locations of Industrial Areas in Chicago, IL PYU9(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Xin Zhen Champaign Public Housing Analysis XINZHEN1(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Muyi Zhou Greenberg’s Location Study MZHOU17(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU
Tyler Zwagerman Recreational Trail Access and Socioeconomic Indicators in Greater Des Moines, Iowa TZWAGE2(AT)ILLINOIS(DOT)EDU